Environment: DEV


Welcome to the Parker VoM Portal. In this portal you will be able to view/manage all your account's devices, view a live device telemetry stream and/or historical raw data, view/manage DigiCert certifcates and access AT&T cellular information. If your name does not appear in the upper right hand corner, please click the "Login" link to sign in with your Parker Active Directory account.

To receive updates and release notifications, please subscribe to the IoT Cloud Ops Yammer at the following link ... IoT Cloud Ops Yammer

To report an issue, or to send a direct question to the IoT Cloud Ops team, please use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of every page.


VERSION 3.0.2: Security Update

VERSION 3.0.1: Bulk Data Export now available via the Device Details page

VERSION 3.0.0: Launch of VoM Portal 3.0.0

Improved loading times on all listing pages

Theme can be switched between dark and light from the User menu in the upper right-hand corner

Account switching now available from User menu

Device connection state now shown on listing page (updated every 10 seconds)

Search filters can now be saved on all listing pages

Copy icon shows on widely used values throughout the VoM Portal